Get Yours NOW!

…in two weeks

D’s M   cs
The Comfort of Moccasins The Security of Monk Straps
* Notice * Every shoe is made to order Typical delivery is Two Weeks The unique leathers we use have unique challenges and occaisionally become unavailable Email Us and know the availability before you order * Notice * Good News! - It’s Easy! 1) Look at the pictures and choose your favorite style 2) Decide on color, pattern & buckle 3) Measure your foot 4) Email us your choices 5) We will reply with: a) a tenative ship date b) payment options 6) Choose a payment type 7) Get your Ship Date AND your Shoes on time!
…fit like a glove
Do you know there are two different standards for shoe sizes in America? It’s true and the reason some companies fit you differently. We want your D’s Mocs to fit you like a glove. Step on a tape measure, measure your foot and we will do the rest.
Don’t cheat yourself out of the perfect fit!