Shoes feel better when they fit

D’s M   cs
The Comfort of Moccasins The Security of Monk Straps

Brown Mocs

…fit like a glove

Brown Mocs

Made for the demands of an Alpha life. Our mocs are as tough as a work boot outside but soft as a whisper inside. Here’s how to get yours! Pictures below show all options. The title of the pic lists the options, in order. “Copy & Paste” your choices, from the Options list below, into an email. Your email must include one choice for each option. Options: Toe - Round “Moc” or “Shaped” toe Top - Lg Leopard Spots / Mini Leopard Spots / Alligator / Snake / Matching Color / YingYang Snake or Leopard Buckle - Standard / Conway Lacing - Rawhide is Standard / Alternative Color When we recieve your email, we check specific leather availability and reply. Our reply will have a tenative ship date and payment options, valid for a week. You will recieve the Official Ship Date when we recieve your payment AND You will recieve beautiful hand made shoes ON TIME
Moc / Lg. Leopard / Conway buckle / Std Lacing
Shaped / YingYang Snake / Conway buckle / Std Lacing
Conway buckle Adjustment
Shaped / Snake / Conway buckle / Std Lacing
L - Shaped / New Snake / Conway buckle / Standard Lacing R - Shaped / Ying Yang Snake / Conway Buckle / Standard Lacing
Moc / Matching Top / Standard buckle / Standard Lacing
Moc / Alligator / Conway buckle / Standard Lacing
Moc / Alligator / Standard buckle / Std Lacing
Original Snake (not Available) / Conway buckle / Standard Lacing
Moc / Alligator / Conway buckle / Std Lacing
Shaped / YingYang Mini-Leopard / Conway buckle / Standard Lacing
Moc / Lg. Leopard / Conway buckle / Std Lacing
Shaped / YingYang Mini-Leopard / Conway buckle / Std Lacing
Shaped / YingYang Snake / Conway buckle / Std Lacing
Original Snake (not Available) / Conway buckle / Standard Lacing
Lg. Leopard / Conway buckle / Std Lacing
Moc / Lg. Leopard / Conway buckle / Std Lacing
Moc / Lg. Leopard / Conway buckle / Std Lacing