Shoes feel better when they fit
The Comfort of Moccasins
The Security of Monk Straps
Brown Mocs
Brown Mocs
Made for the demands of an Alpha life.
Our mocs are as tough as a work boot outside but soft as a whisper inside.
Here’s how to get yours!
Pictures below show all options. The title of the pic lists the options, in order.
“Copy & Paste” your choices, from the Options list below, into an email.
Your email must include one choice for each option.
Toe - Round “Moc” or “Shaped” toe
Top - Lg Leopard Spots / Mini Leopard Spots / Alligator / Snake / Matching Color /
YingYang Snake or Leopard
Buckle - Standard / Conway
Lacing - Rawhide is Standard / Alternative Color
When we recieve your email, we check specific leather availability and reply.
Our reply will have a tenative ship date and payment options, valid for a week.
You will recieve the Official Ship Date when we recieve your payment
You will recieve beautiful hand made shoes ON TIME
Moc / Lg. Leopard / Conway buckle / Std Lacing
Shaped / YingYang Snake / Conway buckle / Std Lacing
Conway buckle Adjustment
Shaped / Snake / Conway buckle / Std Lacing
L - Shaped / New Snake / Conway buckle / Standard Lacing
R - Shaped / Ying Yang Snake / Conway Buckle / Standard
Moc / Matching Top / Standard buckle / Standard Lacing
Moc / Alligator / Conway buckle / Standard Lacing
Moc / Alligator / Standard buckle / Std Lacing
Original Snake (not Available) / Conway buckle / Standard Lacing
Moc / Alligator / Conway buckle / Std Lacing
Shaped / YingYang Mini-Leopard / Conway buckle / Standard Lacing
Moc / Lg. Leopard / Conway buckle / Std Lacing
Shaped / YingYang Mini-Leopard / Conway buckle / Std Lacing
Shaped / YingYang Snake / Conway buckle / Std Lacing
Original Snake (not Available) / Conway buckle / Standard Lacing
Lg. Leopard / Conway buckle / Std Lacing
Moc / Lg. Leopard / Conway buckle / Std Lacing
Moc / Lg. Leopard / Conway buckle / Std Lacing